MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL.. And to all a good day. (Source:
Darlene Love plays my favorite Christmas song every year on the LATE SHOW WITH DAVID LETTERMAN, ‘Please come Home.’ She performs the song each season on the Letterman show.. I have always loved the 1995 performance the best. Maybe it’s because I remember just being young, staying up late to watch this song and falling … Read more
A proud pappa Christmas moment
Last night young Ayden had a little bit of a toddler meltdown in the grocery store–I could not explain that he did not need a toy since Santa was bringing him lots tonight.. Nonetheless it became a ‘moment’ … We talked in the car about it.. Finally, we made an agreement: He can buy a … Read moreA proud pappa Christmas moment
This is a very special song for my wife. And it is too, for me. I think for very different reasons–but those reasons are somehow what also binds us together.. A song for a winter’s night.. Sarah McLachlan. Good evening. (Source:
Perhaps the worst Christmas song ever re-re-remade. Twisted Sister sings O COME ALL YE FAITHFUL. I post this only because as I was parusing the YouTubes, Mutley the Dog (with cone on head in his post testicle eliminating surgery) went nuts. He couldn’t the smooth voice of Dee Snider. I agree with Mutley the Dog. … Read more
Saturday night live: Comfortably Numb as performed by Dreamtheater & Queensryche Good evening. Be comfortable. Be numb. Christmas is coming.. (Source:
It’s beginning to look a lot less like Christmas, even though it’s close. The 6 inches of snow that was happily on the ground is almost gone, and my son Ayden is a bit concerned.. He thinks Santa Claus only can show up in snow, we informed him that St. Nick is powerful and, can … Read more
If anyone is thinking of a last minute Christmas gift for me, here are some ideas..
The man in front of me may want to reconsider his meat . Just in time for Christmas! Satan pork!
Dreaming of an Agnostic Christmas? Half of America strips religion from Christmas
Nine out of 10 Americans do Christmas and three-quarters believe in the biblical account of Jesus’ birth — but only a little more than half actually regard the holiday primarily as a religious celebration. But do the non religious still buy the Hess truck??? For that case, do the religious? Dreaming of an Agnostic Christmas? Half … Read moreDreaming of an Agnostic Christmas? Half of America strips religion from Christmas