The battle hymn of Gettysburg, July 1-3 1863.
The battle of Gettysburg.. the newspapers.. the the anthem.. the paranormal.. all on July 1 through 3, 18963
The battle of Gettysburg.. the newspapers.. the the anthem.. the paranormal.. all on July 1 through 3, 18963
The Civil War ended in April 1865 and two months later, on June 19, 1865, Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger of the Union Army issued General Order No. 3 in Galveston, Texas, with Granger saying, “The people of Texas are informed that, in accordance with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free.”
We needed a way to commemorate the Civil War once it was done.. Decoration Day was a fine way to do such–decades later it would turn into Memorial Day and now a century later we still honor the war dead in the United States.. The Civil War, however, seems so distant a memory that even … Read moreDecoration day dies
And now SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE took notice. National attention for the small city paper. Congrats, in some sort of sense, are in order? Harrisburg PA PATRIOT NEWS retracts an 1863 review of the Gettysburg Address, which called Lincoln’s speech ‘silly’
azspot: Population over 25 without a high school diploma (by percent) This is a very, VERY, interesting map. Take it for what it is.. I take it this way: The Civil War had permanent repercussions and the sins of the past are still evident in the actions of the present.
I have to admit, I couldn’t put this article down.. Very interesting, informative, and troublesome.. An excellent article from TIME magazine: Why the US is still fighting the Civil War
A snapshot in time: President Lincoln and Gen. George McClellan at Antietam in 1862. (Library of Congress / April 12, 2011)
The anniverary of the Civil War beginning.
This image should have been attached to my thoughts on Abe Lincoln.. Somewhat fitting.
New book sheds new light on Lincoln’s racial views He wanted to send free blacks to Central America.. While that fact has been tossed around for generations, few took hold to it and spoke about it. And the new book by Philip Magness and Sebastian Page, they write about newly uncovered documents found in London on … Read moreThe Lincoln history books neglect to mention