Earth is in grave danger of being hit by a catastrophic comet shower triggered by the sun, warn scientists

More .. Earth may be in great danger as the sun’s path through the galaxy sends comet flying towards our planet, scientists have warned.  Researchers have identified a 26 million-year cycle of meteor impacts that coincides with the timing of mass extinctions over the past 260 million years. There is a close shave on Halloween set … Read moreEarth is in grave danger of being hit by a catastrophic comet shower triggered by the sun, warn scientists

A Saturday night scare, courtesy of space

There is a comet in the Western sky tonight. That’s not the scary part. The scary part is this: An asteroid, only discovered six days ago, is passing relatively close to earth. And it’s as big as a city block–something that would have done a bit of hardcore damage on this planet should it have … Read moreA Saturday night scare, courtesy of space

Intrigue over comet C/2013 A1.. it may hit Mars in 2014.. the possibilities explained.. Maybe plans that that millionaire has to fly a married couple by the red planet in 2018 … will change.  Or funny enough, maybe the comet if it strikes could bring building blocks (or rebuilding blocks) to Mars and …. generations … Read more