THIS IS GETTING WEIRDER! Now some U.S. visitors to Cuba complain of symptoms similar to embassy ‘attacks’: U.S.

THIS IS GETTING WEIRDER! Now some U.S. visitors to Cuba complain of symptoms similar to embassy ‘attacks’: U.S.: This is getting highly bizarre.. A “handful” of private U.S. citizens who traveled to Cuba say they have experienced symptoms similar to those suffered by American diplomats in mysterious health “attacks” in Havana, the U.S. State Department … Read moreTHIS IS GETTING WEIRDER! Now some U.S. visitors to Cuba complain of symptoms similar to embassy ‘attacks’: U.S.

Australian Brian Hodge, who previously worked at Jupiters Casino on the Gold Coast, claimed he was staying in the room next to the shooter on level 32 at the Las Vegas resort. He said he managed to escape the initial horrific scenes inside the hotel but found himself forced to hide in a bush for several hours after the event. “I got outside safely and was hiding in bushes,” Mr Hodge said. “There were multiple people dead and multiple shooters. I was just hiding waiting for police to come get us.

Australian Brian Hodge, who previously worked at Jupiters Casino on the Gold Coast, claimed he was staying in the room next to the shooter on level 32 at the Las Vegas resort. He said he managed to escape the initial horrific scenes inside the hotel but found himself forced to hide in a bush for … Read moreAustralian Brian Hodge, who previously worked at Jupiters Casino on the Gold Coast, claimed he was staying in the room next to the shooter on level 32 at the Las Vegas resort. He said he managed to escape the initial horrific scenes inside the hotel but found himself forced to hide in a bush for several hours after the event. “I got outside safely and was hiding in bushes,” Mr Hodge said. “There were multiple people dead and multiple shooters. I was just hiding waiting for police to come get us.


THIS VIDEO HAS BEEN MAKING ROUNDS.. And now it’s linked on ZERO HEDGE..  It is of a potential flaw in the armor of the official Las Vegas story..  From the report But as Intelihub reports, a taxi driver found herself a little too close for comfort last Sunday night as she slowly navigated her vehicle … Read moreTHIS VIDEO HAS BEEN MAKING ROUNDS.. And now it’s linked on ZERO…

Some conspiracy for you .. Last night radio host Clyde Lewis…

Some conspiracy for you .. Last night radio host Clyde Lewis extensively talked about his thoughts on the Las Vegas shooting. Also discussed: Some of the oddities that the shooting includes.. Like this: No reports that cars were damaged.. no reports of flat tires.. A bit odd. Today news got odder.. now Paddock’s girlfriend is … Read moreSome conspiracy for you .. Last night radio host Clyde Lewis…

Trump Faces Furor Over Unsubstantiated Claim Obama Wiretapped Him.. President Donald Trump called together several top advisers Saturday, including Attorney General Jeff Sessions and political strategist Steve Bannon, as the White House faced a growing furor over the president’s early morning claims he had been wiretapped by his predecessor.

Trump Faces Furor Over Unsubstantiated Claim Obama Wiretapped Him.. President Donald Trump called together several top advisers Saturday, including Attorney General Jeff Sessions and political strategist Steve Bannon, as the White House faced a growing furor over the president’s early morning claims he had been wiretapped by his predecessor. from Tumblr

Grill Flame revealed: Enjoy the treasure trove of CIA documents made public

Newly released information tells us what we already knew: The CIA attempted to harness psychic abilities to spy on Iran in at least 1979 and 1980.. In an operation code-named Grill Flame, half a dozen psychics working inside a dimly lit room in an ancient building in Fort Meade, Maryland, on more than 200 occasions … Read moreGrill Flame revealed: Enjoy the treasure trove of CIA documents made public