The harvest: Missing people in the modern era 

I read MISSING 411 in about one day. That’s not to say David Paulides’ book was a lackluster effort at entertainment, but just the opposite. I could not put it down, with each page offering thought provoking tale after another about missing people, cases of the extraordinary, and unbelievable stories about people who vanished. There … Read moreThe harvest: Missing people in the modern era 

The harvest: Missing people in the modern era 

SOME DEEP THOUGHTS ON DAVID PAULIDES’ NEWEST BOOK. AND GEORGE KNAPP’S COMMENTS ABOUT IT I read MISSING 411 in about one day. That’s not to say David Paulides’ book was a lackluster effort at entertainment, but just the opposite. I could not put it down, with each page offering thought provoking tale after another about … Read moreThe harvest: Missing people in the modern era