A vivid example of Eastern Pennsylvania forest death!

Just days ago, the Coal Speaker wrote about the Emerald Ash Borer. The tiny, cream-colored EAB larvae hatch from their eggs in mid-summer and chew through the rough outer bark to reach a layer of inner bark, called phloem. Phloem is the tissue used by trees to transport carbohydrates and other nutrients from the canopy down to the roots. The … Read moreA vivid example of Eastern Pennsylvania forest death!

A new supervolcano is brewing under Massachusetts, Vermont and New Hampshire

The idea that there may be a super volcano brewing under Massachusetts, Vermont and New Hampshire is something of a surprise. “Our study challenges the established notion of how the continents on which we live behave,” Professor Levin says. “It challenges the textbook concepts taught in introductory geology classes.” — Read on www.foxnews.com/science/2018/06/25/new-supervolcano-is-brewing-under-massachusetts-vermont-and-new-hampshire.html Well how’s … Read moreA new supervolcano is brewing under Massachusetts, Vermont and New Hampshire