Ellicot City in Maryland has been flooded..

Gov. Larry Hogan declared a state of emergency and went to the scene of the devastation Sunday night. He said in a tweet that he has directed the Maryland Emergency Management Agency to assist in helping the city recover. A flood emergency was first issued in Ellicott City at 4:40 p.m. Two hours later, National Weather … Read moreEllicot City in Maryland has been flooded..

Volcano Eruption Watch in Hawaii

Hundreds of small earthquakes in Hawaii are shaking the eastern side of Big Island, prompting concerns that Kilauea Volcano could erupt. Residents in the area should prepare and review emergency plans in case of evacuation, warned the Hawaii County Civil Defense Agency on Wednesday. Officials are keeping watch on Kilauea Volcano, which is one of the … Read moreVolcano Eruption Watch in Hawaii

The amount of rain that has fallen over the past two days has…

The amount of rain that has fallen over the past two days has been mind-boggling. Not only was it a dangerous travel route home yesterday but also one to work this morning.. Along with that, a partially saturated carpet in the living quarters being dried by an industrial fan. The mid-summer nightmare of a sunless … Read moreThe amount of rain that has fallen over the past two days has…

Yellowstone about to blow? 1 in 10 chance super-volcano will ‘kill millions’

LINK –> Yellowstone about to blow? 1 in 10 chance super-volcano will ‘kill millions’ There are fears that a devastating blow could take place within the next seventy or eighty years.. And not just Yellowstone but any of the world’s big volcanoes.. As reported in here days previous, some experts think we are now heading into … Read moreYellowstone about to blow? 1 in 10 chance super-volcano will ‘kill millions’

Yellowstone about to blow? 1 in 10 chance super-volcano will ‘kill millions’

There are fears that a devastating blow could take place within the next seventy or eighty years.. And not just Yellowstone but any of the world’s big volcanoes.. As reported in here days previous, some experts think we are now heading into ‘volcano season’ when things of this nature are going to occur.. Yellowstone about … Read moreYellowstone about to blow? 1 in 10 chance super-volcano will ‘kill millions’

Yes, it’s really ‘volcano season,’ say scientists.. And: There’s a 5 percent to 10 percent chance in the next 80 years, scientists say, one of these eruptions will kill millions of people and poison the atmosphere beyond the imagination of anything man’s activity could do in 1,000 years.

So there you go, then. Yes, it’s really ‘volcano season,’ say scientists.. And: There’s a 5 percent to 10 percent chance in the next 80 years, scientists say, one of these eruptions will kill millions of people and poison the atmosphere beyond the imagination of anything man’s activity could do in 1,000 years.