Bank of America whistle-blower’s bombshell: “We were told to lie”

Bombshell: Bank of America whistle-blowers detail horrid schemes to fleece borrowers, reward foreclosures (UPDATED) How many more ‘bombshell’ reports can we get before we just stop being blown away? We are probably filled to the top of our minds with whistle blowers telling us the truth–so much truth that we just resign from reality and … Read moreBank of America whistle-blower’s bombshell: “We were told to lie”

The New York TIMES: Faces of the Minimum Wage

The number of Americans earning minimum wage has grown significantly since the recession hit; here, stories of getting by. Good read. And important.. Where are we going as a nation? Is it acceptable that we are not creating good jobs anymore, but instead expanding the base of the minimum wage earners–a future where the middle … Read moreThe New York TIMES: Faces of the Minimum Wage

More Americans quit jobs, a sign of confidence

WASHINGTON (AP) — More Americans are quitting their jobs, suggesting many are growing more confident in the job market. Really? Maybe people are just quitting before they get fired.. or just tired of dead end jobs. I love economists.. they see so much in something that’s not there.. Any little thing–and the amazing thing is … Read moreMore Americans quit jobs, a sign of confidence

Changing times..  40% of moms are now the family breadwinners.. Don’t think for a second that it means women are making more.. Women are still underpaid when compared to men in certain positions. Equal pay remains an issue.. This story also means everyone is making less, fewer have pensions, only some have 401Ks, and finally, … Read more

Happy days are here again?

The Dow made history today, hitting 15,000 after a strong jobs report For every rise there’s a fall. Lets hope the economy is rising finally and that happy days are indeed here again.. Until the next economic autumn sets in. However reality cannot escape me.. I don’t see the ‘happy days’ for the 99% yet.

The next bubble is hissing.. when will it burst? For two decades student debt expanded at a rate above 17 percent per year

Just a few days ago, this website linked up an NBC news article about how punishing debt is weighing down a generation–the generation of people who cannot find jobs in their majors, cannot keep jobs they have in an uncertain economy, and cannot make enough to pay their debt without defaulting on other loans and … Read moreThe next bubble is hissing.. when will it burst? For two decades student debt expanded at a rate above 17 percent per year

Really not sure if this is the type of logic that will gather more votes for Obama, but hey, he said it: He wants to repeat the auto bailout for … every.. industry… Huh?

The POLITICO reported today, and Drudge put up a siren about it too, that President Obama campaigned today in Colorado and seemed to suggest that he wants to bail out, well, everyone. Everywhere. Everything! The POLITICO dispatches this: “I said, I believe in American workers, I believe in this this American industry, and now the … Read moreReally not sure if this is the type of logic that will gather more votes for Obama, but hey, he said it: He wants to repeat the auto bailout for … every.. industry… Huh?

The lost generation: Poverty in the United States is now on track to be at the highest since the 1960s

In related news. The Federal Reserve has plans to keep pumping. And the economy has its own plans. Apparently earnings now show that whatever ‘recovery’ has been going on is sputtering and another recession (as if we have not been in a depression for years!) is about to take place.. Hold on to your hat, coat.. … Read moreThe lost generation: Poverty in the United States is now on track to be at the highest since the 1960s

So…If we make it through December we’ll be fine?

Just when you thought the only thing to fear in December 2012 was the end of the Mayan calender and subsequent apocalypses, enter into the news fray this item of importance: Ben Bernanke is warning the nation of impending doom. A ‘fiscal cliff’ .. coming in January 2013…right as the new years eve ball (hopefully) … Read moreSo…If we make it through December we’ll be fine?

President Obama offers a tip on how to appear out of touch: Say it is ‘interesting’ that someone cannot find a job since.. well, everyone is hiring!

…they are hiring, right? I mean.. he says they are.. So an engineer shouldn’t have trouble landing the next gig, right? President Obama offers a tip on how to appear out of touch: Say it is ‘interesting’ that someone cannot find a job since.. well, everyone is hiring!