​Ever since the tender age of 12, around the election of 1992, I have felt like presidential election days were like Christmas.. There is no gift except the Time and Newsweek magazine collection I have with presidential covers — yes I am that lame.  I kept my love for politics somewhat hidden but by high … Read moreHIGH STRANGENESS AT YOUR LOCAL POLLING PLACE. TODAY IS THE DAY.

The political winds of Halloween: Trump asking for a hand out of candy as his mask outsells Hillary. But does it mean anything at all?

I recall after 9/11, that particular Halloween, how ultra-sensitive and weird things were.. I remember the political ramifications of what you wore–the outfit could put you in the wrong category.. Are you with ‘us’ or against us..? This year may be about the same. It was strange to watch the Al Smith dinner the other … Read moreThe political winds of Halloween: Trump asking for a hand out of candy as his mask outsells Hillary. But does it mean anything at all?

Post-election-celebration: Now the hard part. Figuring out what, if anything, actually changed. Billions of dollars were spent. For…? What?

The election is over. WE CAN ALL UNITE and be thankful for that. The campaign mudslinging gets tiresome–even boring. The  negative ads were so plentiful this year that, frankly, people stopped noticing them. It was just frightening images of President Obama and Governor Romney set Armageddon style music. But it’s over. We have a winner. And it … Read morePost-election-celebration: Now the hard part. Figuring out what, if anything, actually changed. Billions of dollars were spent. For…? What?

Trying to read the tea leaves on TV

I was watching coverage of the election on all three major networks, CNN, Fox, and MSNBC. On those programs during interviews, Republicans look a little nervous and Democrats look a little overconfident. Not sure if my observations mean anything, it could just be that Republicans are nervous and Democrats are overconfident, or it could mean … Read moreTrying to read the tea leaves on TV

Final calls from pundits and prognosticators. Plus Katy Perry in a skin tight latex ballot outfit.

Election day predictions.. from pundits and soothsayers. Will they say anything if they are wrong?  Dick Morris predicts from a limb: Romney 325, Obama 213.. Michael Tomasky Obama 294, Romeny 244 Nate Silver: Obama 303, Romney 235 Michael Barone: Romney 315, Obama 223 Ezra Klein: Obama 290, Romney 248 George Will: Romney 321, Obama 217 … Read moreFinal calls from pundits and prognosticators. Plus Katy Perry in a skin tight latex ballot outfit.