A blast of color.. A rainbow behind my house as photographed by…

A blast of color.. A rainbow behind my house as photographed by a friend.. Directly from the woods behind the abode.. The cold air just moved in. Night is falling.. The last glimmer of light is from the array of colors fading into the winter night.. A funny little epitaph to this post.. After I initially … Read moreA blast of color.. A rainbow behind my house as photographed by…

What does thanksgiving mean to you?

Does it mean turkey?Does it mean you’re going to have to work retail for sub-par wages?Does it mean football?Does it mean family?Does it mean Christmas is coming?Does it mean the winter is here, that the year is winding down?Does it mean tales of Pilgrims and Native Americans?Does it mean the stories of Thanksgiving massacres not … Read moreWhat does thanksgiving mean to you?