A big greetings to all of the new followers who landed on the COAL SPEAKER page this week. Humans.. Humanoids.. alien hybrids.. Art Bell fans. We’re all the same. For those just joining us, the Coal Speaker is constantly on a quest for world peace and information, truth, and justice. You can also find the … Read more
Thanks to all the new followers recently..
Very humbling. Hopefully my crazy talk tonight on 432 hz didn’t drive you away..
Give me suggestions. I need to spice up my blogroll.
I just realized, I got lots of new followers.. Welcome aboard the Coal Speaking express
Don’t be alarmed by what you see…Welcome new followers
Like Lady Gaga at a concert, a few followers dropped away. Hope you come back soon.
Thank you readers and followers From the fruited planes of the United States to the coasts of all the continents of the spinning globe, thanks for looking and reading From Torino to Toronto, Prague to Port Lewis, Cape Coast to Canberra.. greetings. From the few in Fairwater to the many in Rome.. Scranton to Frackville … Read more
Take a gamble.. and follow this site
Don’t think twice. Welcome new followers