A French court has found Monsanto guilty of chemical poisoning

An amazing story from France, where a court found Monsanto guilty of chemical poisoning..  French farmer Paul Francois says he suffered neurological problems after inhaling Monsanto’s Lasso weedkiller..  The court agreed.. It’s a truly dramatic story, and this could lead to more lawsuits and victories by farmers against the GMO world of Monsanto..  And the … Read moreA French court has found Monsanto guilty of chemical poisoning

Onions.. as American as apple pie

Outback remembers.. but Veterans would rather forget I saw a moving commercial with nice music for Outback Steakhouse.. they are honoring Veterans Day and they want people to know it. Unfortunately for veterans, though, they honor may give more pain than pity..The plan: offer Veterans Day freebies The commercial said that if you are a veteran today you … Read moreOnions.. as American as apple pie

And in kind, I’m searching for the perfect burger. I’f love suggestions and where in the states is the USA where I can find one.. comment appropriately. The hunting begins for the cheeseburger in paradise.

Things get better with age. Except when it’s rotted maggot-infested meat.

But mostly things like wine and kids.. Not meat. However, news of the weird being read around the world today about a butcher in Naples being arrested for selling meat that was a decade old!Some may in fact think that things were better in the early part of the 21st century, but everyone will agree … Read moreThings get better with age. Except when it’s rotted maggot-infested meat.