I’ve gone mad!!!!! Every burner and a Nuwave!
Win one for common sense Common sense from the FDA thanks to Michelle Obama: Food labels may finally be realistic as to how Americans eat.. enough with the ‘serving size’ nonsense that shades the calories in a favorable way.. a more honest food label is coming. …but be freaked out by this: The famed (AND … Read more
Flu hitting young and middle-age adults unusually hard
Lots of news articles are touting the benefits of getting the flu shot. We are being told it’s not too late to get it now. I don’t want to get in a debate about that, I have my opinions, I think it’s worth asking what else may be causing this. I argue that there could … Read moreFlu hitting young and middle-age adults unusually hard
Hot Pockets Recalled Over ‘Diseased And Unsound Animal’ Contents
Nestle is voluntarily recalling an unspecified number of “Philly Steak” and “Croissant Crust Philly Steak and Cheese” Hot Pockets because they could contain meat that is unfit for human consumption, according to the USDA That sounds pretty disgusting. Like sickening. I eat the four cheese pizza lean pockets from time to time. I typically avoid any … Read moreHot Pockets Recalled Over ‘Diseased And Unsound Animal’ Contents
Foodies unite, I have a question
Ever make Alabama White Sauce? I have had it at a few places, the best was Mo Mo’s in Harrisburg.. So, give me some recipes should you know how to make it.. I have a desire to try it.. eat it.. And perhaps one day sell it in my future food business…
Subway to remove chemical from bread
That’s nice. I am not impressed with much of any food-lite from the sandwich shop.. I have written about SUBWAY before, you can search my annals for text. I do wonder though, now that SUBWAY has taken this magic chemical from its bread, will Jared look like this again: ?? Subway to remove chemical from bread
Riddle me this, someone: Why do the strawberries in SPECIAL K Chocolatey Strawberry cereal taste like vomit? I really want to enjoy my breakfast.. but each time I bite into a freeze dried piece I feel like I’m sucking on a towel that wipes up refuse from the mouth after a flu. Please … why?
The bastard makes pan frying a steak look so easy. How I loathe your skills, Gordon Ramsay.. (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
The year 2013 is about to go out with a bang, it is a Danny Snyder’s kind of night
I don’t know if it’s good for me or not, but by God I can eat this cereal for breakfast lunch and dinner. Anyone needing to get me a last minute Christmas gift needs only to get me some Special K Choclately Delight.