What does thanksgiving mean to you?

Does it mean turkey?Does it mean you’re going to have to work retail for sub-par wages?Does it mean football?Does it mean family?Does it mean Christmas is coming?Does it mean the winter is here, that the year is winding down?Does it mean tales of Pilgrims and Native Americans?Does it mean the stories of Thanksgiving massacres not … Read moreWhat does thanksgiving mean to you?

Carrying a bottle of green vegetable juice is a status symbol. Here’s why we spend so much

Carrying a clear bottle of green vegetable juice has evolved into a status symbol. Here’s why we’re willing to spend so much. Interesting.. I actually have carried around carrot juice for some time now and never thought I was better than others.  And I love carrot juice. So that makes me REALLY better than those … Read moreCarrying a bottle of green vegetable juice is a status symbol. Here’s why we spend so much

The mystery of yeast

I pride myself in being a decent cook.. someone who can put a little love into something and end up with something tasty.. So in my “one ingredient diet”  recently, I planned the big one: Baking my own homemade bread. The concept itself was beautiful in my mind.. in practice? Well.. I’ve not reached three … Read moreThe mystery of yeast

The wheat belly..

And here I thought the beer was doing it to me..Tonight, my dental hygienist, who converses with me for the entire appointment about food (she talks more than me, given the circumstances), taught me something new. I learned something about food that I somehow did not contemplate: Wheat is making people fat, and maybe causing … Read moreThe wheat belly..