Going postal: This would seem to be pretty big news.. especially for Post Office workers
The Post Office is going to suspend contributions to its employees’ pension fund..
The Post Office is going to suspend contributions to its employees’ pension fund..
The FBI is about to get some dramatic new abilities to look into quite often whomever it wants to.. Not only but including: Expanded use of database searches and even the ability to look through someone’s trash.. Interestingly, there is no court decision or change in privacy laws governing the bureau’s search techniques. But it’s … Read moreSome of the new powers that the FBI just got.. oh and it granted itself those powers
Welcome to the new world order, Boston version, where thermal cameras invade privacy and see a bit too much..
Breaking news being heard around the world.. At least the parts of the world that care about federal government workers not working, parks being shut down, and the military continuing to get paid. Disaster averted? Or just delayed? No one knows yet.. developing story
But there are renewed calls for (and rumor of) a last minute (AGAIN) one week extension to keep the government from being shut down.
Forced vacation time? The deadline is Friday for a federal government potential shut down.. Appears to be inevitable as neither side can come to an agreement for this beleaguered and broke nation…
Government Orders Scientists to Stay Silent on Dolphin Deaths
A local story of interest to me, and maybe even you.. Three babies have been born in Schuylkill County, PA, and are going to take part in a decades-long government study on children.. The government study, according to the report, intends on asking not why children get sick, but instead why some children are healthier … Read moreGovernment gets its first three subjects from Schuylkill County
The AP Impact article wants us not to be scared.. I’d rather be informed .. Most of what is reported is already well known. The true and frightening question may be: What makes us think the testing has ended..? Past medical testing on humans occurred at the hands of the United States government