Clyde Lewis is finally back on radio..

Last night, the long awaited return of Clyde Lewis on radio took place.  Lewis has been absent his hosting duties for several weeks since his operation to remove tumors from his kidney.. During his return program, Lewis was emotional about the operation he just went through, and was seemed concerned that his future may hold … Read moreClyde Lewis is finally back on radio..

Here is some interesting news direct from Art Bell on his Facebook page.. apparently is coming back after many years of dormancy..  I bet the ‘under construction’ sign on the page is already getting tenfold more hits than the current Toast to Toast AM site is.. Incidentally, XM radio just dropped Coast to Coast … Read more

Clyde Lewis continues to humor me with incredibly great headlines for his nightly radio show.. Tonight “Olympus has fallen and it won’t wake up!”

And if you still think Noory is the king of paranormal radio, you haven’t listened to Ground Zero  (Though I still wish Art Bell would come back) Clyde Lewis continues to humor me with incredibly great headlines for his nightly radio show.. Tonight “Olympus has fallen and it won’t wake up!”

Does anyone else out there listen to Clyde Lewis?

I miss Art Bell. I get so incensed with rage at the lack of understanding and the stupidity of George Noory… and John B. Wells is ok. So for a few months now I’ve been trying an alternative. I switched brands.. from Coke to Pepsi.. from Coast to Ground Zero Radio with Clyde Lewis. I’ll still pop into the Coast to … Read moreDoes anyone else out there listen to Clyde Lewis?