The latest on somethingpox

In 2003, an op-ed ran saying this:

“There isn’t much money for surveillance, or much concern about a disease that seems remote to us, even though we are nicked once by a brief encounter with a milder strain. But we are all inhabitants of a single planet, and the evolution of a new form of human poxvirus, remote and unlikely though it still seems, has the power to affect us all.”

In 2022, are we about to all be introduced to monkeypox?

Famed Harvard Epidemiologist Eric Feigl-Ding Tweet about the Danville Monkey Situation

Eric Feigl-Ding has become a notable source for COVID information since the pandemic began in 2020. He currently boasts over 687,000 followers on the platform. Earlier today, Feigl-Ding decided to report on the alarming points of interest regarding the Danville monkey situation, along with Michele Fallon subsequent statements and sickness.