In a study of 93 men in Sierra Leone, scientists found the Ebola virus in semen samples from about half of them. The risk seemed to decline over time. Ebola was detected in all nine men tested at two to three months after their illness began but in only 11 of the 43 survivors tested at seven to nine months

In a study of 93 men in Sierra Leone, scientists found the Ebola virus in semen samples from about half of them. The risk seemed to decline over time. Ebola was detected in all nine men tested at two to three months after their illness began but in only 11 of the 43 survivors tested … Read moreIn a study of 93 men in Sierra Leone, scientists found the Ebola virus in semen samples from about half of them. The risk seemed to decline over time. Ebola was detected in all nine men tested at two to three months after their illness began but in only 11 of the 43 survivors tested at seven to nine months

Health non scares and selfish cares

Hypochondria and children.. They don’t mix well. Allow me to explain. I am a paranoid hypochondriac. I have always been a hypochondriac, since childhood when I thought every little thing was wrong with me and fretted endlessly about it.. and then into my teenage years when I held it private so no one would know.. … Read moreHealth non scares and selfish cares

New research by scientists at Northwestern University in the US followed 10,000 males from the age of 12 until 32. Over this time, the men who had children gained weight – an average of 4lbs – whereas the men who remained childless actually lost 1.4lbs. One of the most notable facts: the men who become “resident fathers” grew 2.6% fatter than fathers who scarpered.

As a father myself I get this and believe it.. I gained some weight not only during my wife’s pregnancy but also in the post baby days. My entire body chemistry changed for about two years until I stopped recognizing myself in a mirror.. A diet change and exercise occurred but now as my son … Read moreNew research by scientists at Northwestern University in the US followed 10,000 males from the age of 12 until 32. Over this time, the men who had children gained weight – an average of 4lbs – whereas the men who remained childless actually lost 1.4lbs. One of the most notable facts: the men who become “resident fathers” grew 2.6% fatter than fathers who scarpered.

Andrew Hawryluk, a 23-year-old animator and avid Chipotle fan, has spent the past 154 days dining at the popular Mexican chain — his favorite restaurant — and says he’ll keep doing so until he can no longer stomach it. The exercise in eating began after he decided in February to “not” give up Chipotle for Lent — what he referred to as “Chipotlent.” That initial 46-day streak started off as an innocent joke with a text sent to his brother, Nick.

He had over 111,000 calories in 154 days.. And according to his blog detailing his eating habits he’s gotten healthier.. Andrew Hawryluk, a 23-year-old animator and avid Chipotle fan, has spent the past 154 days dining at the popular Mexican chain — his favorite restaurant — and says he’ll keep doing so until he can … Read moreAndrew Hawryluk, a 23-year-old animator and avid Chipotle fan, has spent the past 154 days dining at the popular Mexican chain — his favorite restaurant — and says he’ll keep doing so until he can no longer stomach it. The exercise in eating began after he decided in February to “not” give up Chipotle for Lent — what he referred to as “Chipotlent.” That initial 46-day streak started off as an innocent joke with a text sent to his brother, Nick.


MERS, the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, has infected at least 40 people in South Korea and killed four.. there is a lot of fear over this SARS like virus.. The World Health Organization has taken notice and is intervening.. Not too long ago: MERS infected more than 8,000 people around the world and killed 774 … Read moreHAVE MERS-Y