The Higgs Boson Particle found.. but that leaves one other mystery unsolved

Now that the elusive Higgs Boson particle has been potentially found, maybe it’s high time for scientists to explain the other mystery of life: Why is it that regardless of human intelligence, we always seem to result in war like police states with dictators, why humans seem to always come up with new ways to … Read moreThe Higgs Boson Particle found.. but that leaves one other mystery unsolved

I have been doing some more thinking about the ‘elusive’ God particle

As linked yesterday here, scientists at CERN are expected to make an announcement this week that they have found the Higgs Boson God Particle with 99.99% certainty. The particle has been long sought by those who experiment with the giant CERN collider–it is the particle that makes up the mass of atoms.. My mind can’t necessarily comprehend … Read moreI have been doing some more thinking about the ‘elusive’ God particle