Sealed with a kiss: The 1990s are back again in more ways than one

I used to love politics. I still listen to things about it, and I am intrigued by the process.. But gone are the times when I dedicated waking thoughts to the subject.. and long gone are the days when I held beliefs of certain political persuasions.. Since I came of age, as other males do … Read moreSealed with a kiss: The 1990s are back again in more ways than one

The year Santa Claus was safe

The year was 1961.. The Soviet Union was rumored to have begun a plan to test nuclear weapons at the North Pole. An 8-year-old named Michelle Rochon was motivated by the fear of this potential issue and she wrote then President John F. Kennedy a letter. Her words were simple.. she was a child with … Read moreThe year Santa Claus was safe

More peace in old images

I just posted an aged photo of my Uncle Andy. Before his death. Before my family moving.. before the town being decimated by government buyouts and an underground mine fire. I labeled the post ‘peace’ because the image from the past reminded me of how peaceful things were–and a bit of lamenting technology was included in … Read moreMore peace in old images

The Jonestown express: Why it still matters. And why we should never forget

I was not living during Jonestown.. the massacre occurred before I entered this world–at least in the current incarnation I inhabit. But I have been both fascinated and perplexed by what Jim Jones was able to obtain: The complete submission of a large group of people, to the point where they chose death.. The choice … Read moreThe Jonestown express: Why it still matters. And why we should never forget

JFK.. Blown away. 51 years today. No one else has anything to say.

Today is the 51st anniversary of the JFK assassination. I contemplated this all week, and listened to some amazing GROUND ZERO WITH CLYDE LEWIS shows as well. It angers me to think that we don’t have truth, and that even after all these decades are done, the main theory of the assassination being perpetrated by … Read moreJFK.. Blown away. 51 years today. No one else has anything to say.