This is truly an amazing and disturbing report coming from NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC by Alexa Keefe .. It’s about Chernobyl and the horrid aftermath of the nuclear meltdown that took place there last century. Earlier today I posted a big of a reprise of the 35th anniversary of the Harrisburg PA partial meltdown at Three Mile Island.. … Read more

Beating the meat: Catholic guilt

I was born into the Catholic guilt .. I distinctly recall being a child and thinking I’d burn in hell because I accidentally ate a chicken finger on a Friday in lent. I think I even tearfully told a priest at my Catholic school mandated confession in my early grade school years. Since then, it … Read moreBeating the meat: Catholic guilt

Tin foil hats need to be adjusted. Sort of.

TIME (and lots of other sources) is laughing at ‘conspiracy theories’ that claim African Americans were injected with HIV..  While the HIV issue may be untrue, let’s remember some facts about the past: The United States government injected people with plutonium.   The United States injected African Americans with syphilis..   So why is TIME magazine laughing … Read moreTin foil hats need to be adjusted. Sort of.

Justice Antonin Scalia says World War II-style internment camps could happen again

Justice Antonin Scalia predicts that the Supreme Court will eventually authorize another a wartime abuse of civil rights such as the internment camps for Japanese Americans during World War II. I know, there are politically charged arguments concerning Scalia’s comments.. and lots of left leaning folks are slamming him. *(Just as right leaning ones would … Read moreJustice Antonin Scalia says World War II-style internment camps could happen again

Ghost stories on Christmas: A tradition I’d like to bring back again

Christmas time is a modern occasion of joy.. Slurping eggnog spiked with rum and eating until you’re unable to move? That’s the American pasttime around the holiday season–and then the New Years guilt and resolutions to lose your new found weight is an annual tradition. But, as the article linked here describes, another tradition that … Read moreGhost stories on Christmas: A tradition I’d like to bring back again

Murdoch’s NYPost Today Backs Michael Moore Bush-Saudi Claims from “Fahrenheit 911”

This may raise the temperature among many who slammed Michael Moore’s 2004 movie. Here is the actual NEW YORK POST story featuring the explosive opinion that there is a 9/11 cover up. Paul Sperry authors it. Here is  the quote worth reading from the POST story: President Bush inexplicably censored 28 full pages of the 800-page … Read moreMurdoch’s NYPost Today Backs Michael Moore Bush-Saudi Claims from “Fahrenheit 911”

The boy in the hospital room: A story that challenges my skepticism

Before you read this, it should be noted that I am a truly skeptical person, but not skeptical to the point where I do not believe there are numerous possibilities.. Skepticism aside, I was talking to a friend last night when I encountered a very chilling moment. Let me first set the stage. Stay with … Read moreThe boy in the hospital room: A story that challenges my skepticism