This is an absolutely *(to me)* amazing story appearing in NATURE.. Apparently dinosaurs used a community bathroom back in their day.. A latrine used by all! Dinos included. And now we know where it is..
What does thanksgiving mean to you?
Does it mean turkey?Does it mean you’re going to have to work retail for sub-par wages?Does it mean football?Does it mean family?Does it mean Christmas is coming?Does it mean the winter is here, that the year is winding down?Does it mean tales of Pilgrims and Native Americans?Does it mean the stories of Thanksgiving massacres not … Read moreWhat does thanksgiving mean to you?
The assassination of JFK upped heart attacks in Dallas Texas for years afterward..
Two Billy Joel songs unite.. JFK blown away.. and it will give you a heart attack-ack-ack-ack ack. You ought to know by now. The assassination of JFK upped heart attacks in Dallas Texas for years afterward..
The history of history in 2 minutes. (Source:
10,000-year-old house uncovered outside Jerusalem
Will this change the timeline that some people thought the human race is on? 10,000-year-old house uncovered outside Jerusalem
The inescapable funeral 50 years ago.
Inside the Warren Commission and the JFK assassination
The NATIONAL CONSTITUTION CENTER’S article fails to mention a few other snippets of history. Such as the fact that the Warren Commission failed to include testimony of Secret Service agents who swore that the shots came from the Grassy Knoll. Also not mentioned: Powder tests for Oswald were inconclusive as to whether he fired the … Read moreInside the Warren Commission and the JFK assassination
Abraham Zapruder interviewed on November 22, 1963 (Source:
President Kennedy and Governor Connally were shot in Texas on November 22, 1963. And so was James Tague. He may not have been invited to the November 22 50th anniversary events, but his compelling account may add some doubt to the Warren Commission final result. (Source:
Breaking news, 1963 style. This is ABC news coverage–as it happened–on November 22, 1963. Chilling.. history relived–even for those who weren’t alive yet to live it. (Source: