As if you had any doubt that 2012 was hotter than hell..

June’s second half helped the continental United States break its record for the hottest first six months in a calendar year.. And with that piece of information contemplate this: The last 12 months have been the warmest since 1895..  Get that? 1895. Also in the news in 18895, a sandstorm crippled the panhandle of Texas, … Read moreAs if you had any doubt that 2012 was hotter than hell..

History at the Supreme Court began today

The Obamacare high court arguments start.. A collection of links on the topic Court picks apart individual mandate… ROBERTS: ‘Can the gov’t require you to buy a cell phone?’ ‘Grave, grave trouble’… Reading Supreme Court tea leaves on ‘Obamacare’Los Angeles Times Loss of insurance mandate wouldn’t kill health lawThe Associated Press Justices Split in Questions … Read moreHistory at the Supreme Court began today

So that is what Stonehenge is! …wait, what does someone think Stonehenge is again? Inspired by a sound illusion..? So even if this ‘illusion’ was the inspiration, why build up the giant stones together just to mimic it? It just still does not add up.

Reblogging this image from asylums- because of just how much it creeped me out..: Harrisburg State Hospital beds The thought of these old sanitariums and ‘nut houses’ as they once were called freak me out, to my core.. Maybe too many stories of abuse or ghost haunts.. But this image is lonely, sad, and chilling.

A dog eat dog world..? The strange history of Nazi experimentation with dogs reavealed.. Adolf Hitler wanted dogs to be able to be taught to speak, read, and write.. And worship the Nazi party while they were at it..: STRANGE BUT TRUE: HITLER WANTED TO CREATE AN ARMY OF TALKING DOGS