Hacked SONY emails now reveal true feelings on race: Scott Rudin On Obama’s Favorite Movies: “I Bet He Likes Kevin Hart”

An exchange between Sony Pictures chair Amy Pascal and producer Scott Rudin turned into a riff on films they thought the president liked. A few things can certainly be taken from this.. Regardless of how many people in Hollywood voted for President Obama, there are still filled with racist and bigoted intent.. The emails may … Read moreHacked SONY emails now reveal true feelings on race: Scott Rudin On Obama’s Favorite Movies: “I Bet He Likes Kevin Hart”


The group GUARDIANS OF PEACE, or GOP, has posted yet another message.. this time on GITHUB. They are calling on SONY to stop ‘immediately showing the movie which can break regional peace and cause the war.”  GOP is obviously referring to the Kim Jong Un North Korea spy spook THE INTERVIEW with Seth Rogan and … Read moreTHE SONY HACK ATTACK ACK ACK ACK ACK

Horror Hit ‘The Grudge’ Going Reboot Route

I just don’t get it.. The GRUDGE is getting a reboot–seriously?? DEADLINE reported it, so it’s probably true.. But remember this: The 2004 movie cost about $10 mil to make and grossed almost $200 mil worldwide that year–and they are going to do a reboot? When they don’t have to? Insane in the membrane. Horror Hit … Read moreHorror Hit ‘The Grudge’ Going Reboot Route

Woody Allen’s daughter Dylan Farrow details how he sexually abused her in open letter

Woody Allen’s adopted daughter, in a wrenching letter, describes in stomach churning detail how the iconic film director sexually abused her. He’s been called a genuis. He’s been called cutting edge.. he’s been called one of the funniest men of all time. And now he’s being called a sexually abusive and revolting human being from … Read moreWoody Allen’s daughter Dylan Farrow details how he sexually abused her in open letter

Box Office: ‘Catching Fire’ Ablaze Friday With $70.5 Million

The good, the bad, and the ugly. HUNGER GAMES is setting some box office theaters on proverbial fire with a pre-Thanksgiving weekend romp.. It’s going to be a big movie when final numbers come out. Just in my little neck of the woods, the theater at the Schuylkill Mall in Frackville PA actually devoted all … Read moreBox Office: ‘Catching Fire’ Ablaze Friday With $70.5 Million