Getting some answer on the question I posed a few days ago
Did horror go too far? ..looking for your thoughts SERBIAN FILM.. or even those who don’t and wish to opine regardless.. Getting some answer on the question I posed a few days ago
Did horror go too far? ..looking for your thoughts SERBIAN FILM.. or even those who don’t and wish to opine regardless.. Getting some answer on the question I posed a few days ago
MANSION OF BLOOD gets one less star.. Rumors that Gary Busey has been terminated from horror movie set over ‘behavior’..
Don’t be alarmed by what you see…Welcome new followers
Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there, including the people who dress like them
News of Osama, global warming, the universe, and Andy Dick. All in a quick wrap: A phone call led to Bin Laden.. His skull was blown apart.. Arrests near nuke plant in the UK.. US orders more anthrax vaccine New details of Osama raid surface.. Imam vows revenge for Osama.. Orders were to kill, not … Read moreAll the matters around the globe
Welcome to all the news followers out there.. Don’t be shocked by what you see
Epic flop? Final numbers are no where near close to being in, but if things stay on the path they are on, RIO will finish a strong first at the weekend box office with SCREAM 4 numbers being surprisingly weak .. many thought the return to late 20th Century horror would bring a rebound for … Read more
Feeling like 1999 all over again: SCRAEM 4 on the cover of ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY..
Wes Craven’s newest nightmare: Reports of SCREAM 4 reshoots persist..First official trailer for SCREAM 4….and the second..Did Wes Craven accidentially reveal a spoiler? Anthony Hopkins reveals a secret atheist message placed into new horror film THE RITE..The real priest behind THE RITE film..Anthony Hopkins exoricsm horror flick expected to be number 1 film of the … Read moreHORROR– THE FAKE KIND