Season 8 of the series, titled “Apocalypse,” will be a crossover between the “American Horror Story” seasons “Murder House” and “Coven,” which were the first and third seasons of the show, respectively. It will debut on Sept. 12
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STRANGER THINGS fans rejoice! A comic series is coming!
This is really exciting news for fans of STRANGER THINGS or residents of Hawkins.. Entertainment Weekly reported this exclusively today:
Makeup artist Jessica Parker shows you how to make your own Facehugger mask! Happy #AlienDay This video is so cool
Continue readingDear dear David .. He’s back again to haunt our social media accounts
Dear David updates return to Twitter!
Continue readingStranger Things 2 looks binge worthy
The newest STRANGER THINGS 2 trailer hit on Friday the 13th .. amazing timing as always with the fine people
Continue readingBinge worthy Netflix
I just can’t get the violin song from the OA out of my head.. it’s stuck there… it’s constantly replaying.
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