Pennywise’s new dance
“IT” is coming back. And I am sure entirely that ‘it’ is a good thing.. Pennywise’s new dance
“IT” is coming back. And I am sure entirely that ‘it’ is a good thing.. Pennywise’s new dance
The BABADOOK continues to receive high praise from world media outlets.. The Australian film was a big success at SUNDANCE.. GAWKER interviewed Jennifer Kent, the woman behind the movie.. a few interesting quotes, as re-printed here, are shown: I don’t look down on horror, but I my definition of horror is probably quite a lot … Read moreGAWER INTERVIEWS KENT: The Year’s First Must-See Horror Movie Is So Much More Than That
The creepy clown that has been spotted on Staten Island in recent days was indeed the work of a local horror movie production company, the studio confirmed Friday. We figured that this was just a fake tale to get attention for something. I don’t think the makers of the meme had an idea of just … Read moreHorror Movie Studio: Staten Island Clown Was ‘Just A Joke’ – CBS New York
You may not have heard of UNCLE TED, but if you were or are from East Pennsylvania you saw him and may have some fond memories.. He is from Wilkes-Barre, PA. He hosted UNCLE TED’S GHOUL SCHOOL from 1974 through 1982.. he also hosted UNCLE TED’S MONSTERMANIA from 1984 through the 1990s–this was the one … Read moreUncle Ted in the land of Hatchy Milatchy.. the best of yesterday
A friend of mine reminded me tonight some of the greatest and freakiest horror characters in history: The Gentlemen. They starred in a BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER episode in 1999 before the turn of the century.They were a group of demons that roamed from town to town and needed human hearts to stay alive. I always … Read more
What is SONY thinking about BRINGING?
Forget Hollywood! A real story today is surfacing from Gary Indiana.. Somewhat credible news sources (I kid the DAILY NEWS, really I do) like the New York daily news have reported on the Latoya Ammons story.. The The Indy STAR first reported on the matter and the incredible instances.. Ammons says that her family has been possessed by … Read moreThe scariest potentially real exorcism story ever told
Nothing creepy about this, now is there? You are looking at an image of the official portrait of the Danish Royal Family by Thomas Kluges. And it’s really, really weird. GAWKER has some observations on the matter.. GAWKER described the painting the best, and I will not even try to match it. Caity Weaver wrote: … Read more
The best book covers ever—and some of the best books ever, too. I remember being frightened of these imaginative stories as a child–some have stuck with me ever since. There was a yearly ‘book fair’ that would show up in my grade school. I went to a Catholic school, so nice child-friendly books were proudly … Read more
This just sounds like a bad idea: A new horror-themed game show is set to begin, thanks to SONY. It’s called RELEASE THE HOUNDS.. The unknowing contestants will be facing fear in their quest for money. One part of the show will be a race in which they will be chased by hound dogs who … Read moreRELEASE THE HOUNDS!?