Hurricane Joaquin strengthens, major impact on N.J. now more likely
Not only Jersey but other states too need to prepare.. The time to do so is now.. Hurricane Joaquin strengthens, major impact on N.J. now more likely
Not only Jersey but other states too need to prepare.. The time to do so is now.. Hurricane Joaquin strengthens, major impact on N.J. now more likely
The latest NHC model.. The cone of impact zone is starting to move West..
This model for Hurricane Joaquin gives me pause. If this happens, it will be around Sunday/Monday.. this would mean intense winds and flooding rains.. Sandy happened in October as well. No one in the Northeast wants another Sandy for the rest of our lives.
Bears watching.. All of the current models for Joaquin on one map..
Even MORE reasons to pay attention to the weather this week if you’re along the east coast..
This week: Keep a watchful eye on tropical depression11… It may have land in its sights..