Remember the war we are (not) fighting in Libya? The Red Cross is a little alarmed by the situation
Remember the war we are (not) fighting in Libya? The Red Cross is a little alarmed by the situation
Remember the war we are (not) fighting in Libya? The Red Cross is a little alarmed by the situation
Rumors of war: Report says that a ground invasion is coming in Libya
Update from the ‘non’ war: Hundreds of bombing raids over Libya
Among those who sue: Dennis Kucinich .. Pretty amazing news from Washington: Lawmakers SUE the President over military action taking place in Libya
Fascinating story on constitutional powers of the president developing: Boehner warns Obama that Libya will violate war powers
Last night, news emerged and spread around the world of an 8.4 earthquake off the coast of Libya.. Suddenly, the world was faced with the prospect of another mega-quake and the damage it would cause.. The trouble is, the USGS reported no earthquake and has not since.. A quick Google search already shows the plethora … Read moreOf earthquakes and rumors
This is what the ‘mission’ becomes? Libya disabled children school hit in NATO strike
Did we witness President Obama’s ‘mission accomplished’ moment last night?
Obama defends US actions in Libya
An interesting story on a Brazilian who said he operated on Gadhaffi in the 1990s come to light.. According to Dr. Liacyr Ribeiro, he removed belly fat from Mommar Gadhafi and injected it to his face. Gadhafi also got hair plugs.. And while that alone may be a little crazy to some, perhaps even crazier … Read moreLifestyles of the crazed dictator