STOCKS TUMBLE!! OIL RUMBLES!! LOTTERY FUMBLES!? The Dow Jones Industrial plunged 370 points today. Standard and Poor’s 500 index fell below 1900..Brent crude prices dropped below $30 for the first time in 11 years.. And tonight, if you’re lucky, you may be a billionaire after 11pm when the Powerball is drawn.. Now you’re chance. Risk … Read moreALL IN ONE DAY

The curse of the Powerball: The house always wins

It seems hard to believe—really hard to believe as a matter of fact .But tonight’s big Powerball jackpot is likely to cross over the $1.5 BILLION range.. B for Billion. Unless you’ve been under a rock, you know that tonight’s money eliminates the ‘race to the million.’ Now we’re playing with fire.. now we have … Read moreThe curse of the Powerball: The house always wins

The new lottery: Over 1 bill Powerball rocking America 

No one won the grand Powerball prize last night… The new grand rise over a billion bucks.. Holy moly all that’s holy.. This will be a week of Powerball fever… The masses of asses will be cashing in the month’s savings in return for the potential of endless riches… But remember, even if you or … Read moreThe new lottery: Over 1 bill Powerball rocking America 

THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR WANTS YOUR SOUL. For $800 mil, it could get it

Tonight, the POWEBALL is powerful.. set over $800 mil (if no one wins this could get to a billion) .. I am going to buy my ticket and I suspect you will buy yours. This could be a blowout for the victor..  Or a curse.  There are always dreams of the but jackpot.. the fantasy … Read moreTHE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR WANTS YOUR SOUL. For $800 mil, it could get it