The Sinbad movie that never existed?

The comedian Sinbad was not in a movie where he played a genie. I am sorry to say.. A few people I talked to remember him fondly being in the movie Shazaam. It came out around the same time as Kazaam with Shaq. And all of that is plain wrong. Shazaam did not exist. Shaq … Read moreThe Sinbad movie that never existed?

The King Henry VIII turkey leg mystery

I am going to add my voice to the countless others already clamoring about King Henry VIII and his famous turkey leg painting that, apparently on this timeline, never was.. A little explanation is in order. I have written countless times about ‘time sips’ and the Mandella Effect here, here, and here, just to name a … Read moreThe King Henry VIII turkey leg mystery

The death of Nelson Mandella is a big deal. And maybe it was the first time, too..?

Nelson Mandella, the endless time traveler on earth, is dead. He had a life of struggle and triumph.. His prison time did not stop from from history in 1994 when he became the president of South Africa. His recent battle with ailments left him on his death bed repeatedly, but his strength and ferocity kept … Read moreThe death of Nelson Mandella is a big deal. And maybe it was the first time, too..?