The odd case of the missing skier found in sunny Southern Cali!!

Missing skier found in Sacramento took big rig after being lost near Lake Placid  Constantinos “Danny” Filippidis, a Toronto firefighter, was wearing the snow gear his friends last saw him in Feb. 7 before he went missing at the Whiteface Mountain ski resort in Wilmington, N.Y., prompting a massive search that included state and federal … Read moreThe odd case of the missing skier found in sunny Southern Cali!!

The harvest: Missing people in the modern era 

I read MISSING 411 in about one day. That’s not to say David Paulides’ book was a lackluster effort at entertainment, but just the opposite. I could not put it down, with each page offering thought provoking tale after another about missing people, cases of the extraordinary, and unbelievable stories about people who vanished. There … Read moreThe harvest: Missing people in the modern era 

The harvest: Missing people in the modern era 

SOME DEEP THOUGHTS ON DAVID PAULIDES’ NEWEST BOOK. AND GEORGE KNAPP’S COMMENTS ABOUT IT I read MISSING 411 in about one day. That’s not to say David Paulides’ book was a lackluster effort at entertainment, but just the opposite. I could not put it down, with each page offering thought provoking tale after another about … Read moreThe harvest: Missing people in the modern era 

Numb to the victims

Death happens every day.. mass death occurs. But we should be used to it or accept it–however do accept it often. I am struck by the reaction of the world and media to the missing flight 370. We are facing the possibility that the 239 passengers and crew faced an overwhelmingly horrific death–the way they … Read moreNumb to the victims