The curse of the Powerball: The house always wins

It seems hard to believe—really hard to believe as a matter of fact .But tonight’s big Powerball jackpot is likely to cross over the $1.5 BILLION range.. B for Billion. Unless you’ve been under a rock, you know that tonight’s money eliminates the ‘race to the million.’ Now we’re playing with fire.. now we have … Read moreThe curse of the Powerball: The house always wins

Cheap dung.

The Pope is take a voyage into the deep . he’s being critical of the very thing that keeps society going–the reason some, perhaps, even live! MONEY. And he calls it the ‘devil’s dung’.. Francis condemned the  “throwaway culture created by the powers that control the economic and financial policies of the globalized world”.. MORE: … Read moreCheap dung.

More Americans quit jobs, a sign of confidence

WASHINGTON (AP) — More Americans are quitting their jobs, suggesting many are growing more confident in the job market. Really? Maybe people are just quitting before they get fired.. or just tired of dead end jobs. I love economists.. they see so much in something that’s not there.. Any little thing–and the amazing thing is … Read moreMore Americans quit jobs, a sign of confidence

Now I can see what the markets stunk while Bernanke spoke.. The newest information from the FED-head chairman: No clue why the economy stinks. This was TIME’s person of the year for ‘saving’ the economy–a year when the economy wasn’t saved but driven even further into the toilet. *Photo: REUTERS/Jim Young