Billy Joel shakes off some dust and appears on the TONIGHT SHOW with Jimmy Fallon. And it made for pretty great music and good TV. I saw Billy Joel twice live.. They were shows to remember. My wife wasn’t a fan and grudgingly went to the Hershey PA show a few years ago. She instantly became … Read more
Good Friday night, t’all.. (Source:
A song for a winter’s night. It’s nights like tonight when one gets introspective.. Snow is coming down outside.. not a car in sight.. not even one can be heard in the distance. There has always been something peaceful about a snowstorm during the darkness.. Life itself seems to be on hold–something I find necessary … Read more
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL.. And to all a good day. (Source:
Darlene Love plays my favorite Christmas song every year on the LATE SHOW WITH DAVID LETTERMAN, ‘Please come Home.’ She performs the song each season on the Letterman show.. I have always loved the 1995 performance the best. Maybe it’s because I remember just being young, staying up late to watch this song and falling … Read more
This is a very special song for my wife. And it is too, for me. I think for very different reasons–but those reasons are somehow what also binds us together.. A song for a winter’s night.. Sarah McLachlan. Good evening. (Source:
Truly amazing… that spirit of Christmas.. (Source:
Perhaps the worst Christmas song ever re-re-remade. Twisted Sister sings O COME ALL YE FAITHFUL. I post this only because as I was parusing the YouTubes, Mutley the Dog (with cone on head in his post testicle eliminating surgery) went nuts. He couldn’t the smooth voice of Dee Snider. I agree with Mutley the Dog. … Read more
Saturday night live: Comfortably Numb as performed by Dreamtheater & Queensryche Good evening. Be comfortable. Be numb. Christmas is coming.. (Source:
Sex, cussing, and Christmas. What else can you expect from Cindy Lauper and the HIVES. Evening, all. (Source: