Sun will ‘flip upside down’ within weeks, says Nasa
Sun will ‘flip upside down’ within weeks, says Nasa
Sun will ‘flip upside down’ within weeks, says Nasa
This is an artist’s concept of what Mars may have looked like 4 billion years ago.. It sure looked like an amazing place. At least in this artist’s head..
Science fiction becomes science fact.. More proof of something I have long believed about life on this planet: We know absolutely nothing, and everything we consider fact is only fact long enough until more evidence comes forth to disprove it.. Amazing stuff. Must be a portal. NASA Discovers Hidden Portals In Earth’s Magnetic Field
This amazing video from NASA shows dancing tornadoes on the sun.. and when I see something like this it makes me realize that we, as humans, may think we understand everything but really, actually, understand next to nothing. (Source:
So what’s that curious metal object sticking out of the Martian surface anyway?
RIP NEIL ARMSTRONG.. He made one giant leap for mankind.. And was one giant man for all of time.
Listen, I love a good conspiracy. The bigger the alien, the more I like it. The bigger then disaster awaiting mankind, the more it gets my attention. But on this matter, I just ain’t seein’ it bro. A wave of net conspiracy theories have turned up after a photo from the Curiosity Mars rover was … Read more
NASA’s Curiosity is rolling across the red planet and snapping photos as it goes, all for us to enjoy. But one comment from a project scientist may create a whole new batch of conspiracy theories: “You would really be forgiven for thinking that NASA was trying to pull a fast one on you and we actually put a … Read moreAnd with one statement, a new conspiracy theory may be born
…or in a Arizona desert.. You be the judge. Still standing: America’s flag is still on the moon
What is troubling to think about is when a really large solar event takes place that could have a significant impact on this planet, will things be this much of a mess? As the solar storm from the X flare hits earth, federal agencies are providing inconsistent information on the power