December mumurations
Starling murmurations get a bad rap. Sure, they look like an Alfred Hitchcock production. But they are briefly amazing and if you’re lucky enough to be in one, profound..
Starling murmurations get a bad rap. Sure, they look like an Alfred Hitchcock production. But they are briefly amazing and if you’re lucky enough to be in one, profound..
Just days ago, the Coal Speaker wrote about the Emerald Ash Borer. The tiny, cream-colored EAB larvae hatch from their eggs in mid-summer and chew through the rough outer bark to reach a layer of inner bark, called phloem. Phloem is the tissue used by trees to transport carbohydrates and other nutrients from the canopy down to the roots. The … Read moreA vivid example of Eastern Pennsylvania forest death!
Tonight, while walking Mutley the dog outside in the dark — with no shoes on no less!! — I saw a black snake.. I should have known I would. A small frog was hopping merrily along across the patio. A part of my mind thought.. it’s humid, it’s hot. The sultry weather was perfect for … Read moreSNAKE IN THE NIGHT: YOU’VE GOT A FRIEND. EVEN IF YOU DON’T WANT ONE
Whoever knew that talking about trees would be so entertaining! Recently a compadre from Andes Nursery sat down with me for a podcast, talking about his tree business, Centralia, local ice cream stops, and whether trees could talk. (That was my question, showing the potential odd paranoia about being alone in forests that exists deep … Read moreMake like a tree and listen to this podcast
scarystoriestouploadinthedark: THE TURKEY DEATH MARCH This video of turkeys performing ‘death dance’ around a dead cat in Massachusetts. The video looks odd, strange. It’s gone viral .. The NET has been abuzz about it. But it may not be as sinister as people think.. Turkeys are not as dumb as you think.. If they see what they … Read morescarystoriestouploadinthedark: THE TURKEY DEATH MARCH This video…
scarystoriestouploadinthedark: THE TURKEY DEATH MARCH This video of turkeys performing ‘death dance’ around a dead cat in Massachusetts. The video looks odd, strange. It’s gone viral .. The NET has been abuzz about it. But it may not be as sinister as people think.. Turkeys are not as dumb as you think.. If they see what they … Read morescarystoriestouploadinthedark: THE TURKEY DEATH MARCH This video…
This is an amazing study.. Trees were studied in two nations for a first of its kind analysis.. Proving, perhaps, that trees do sleep? The full story is here for your reading pleasure.. Read it. It’s truly amazing to consider that trees actually become at rest during the darkness of night.. Sleeping Giants in the … Read moreIf a tree talks in a forest and no one hears it, does it make a sound?
LINK –> Yellowstone about to blow? 1 in 10 chance super-volcano will ‘kill millions’ There are fears that a devastating blow could take place within the next seventy or eighty years.. And not just Yellowstone but any of the world’s big volcanoes.. As reported in here days previous, some experts think we are now heading into … Read moreYellowstone about to blow? 1 in 10 chance super-volcano will ‘kill millions’
Warm Weather Prompts Flowers to Bloom Way Too Soon: The freakishly warm weather in the Northeast and Midwest is prompting some trees and shrubs to bloom when they shouldn’t, creating an unusual attraction in gardens and parks but raising the possibility that spring’s flowers will be disappointing.: And it just plain weird–maybe not detrimental. But weird. … Read moreWarm Weather Prompts Flowers to Bloom Way Too Soon