NBC’s Brian Williams recants Iraq story after soldiers protest

NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams admitted Wednesday he was not aboard a helicopter hit and forced down by RPG fire during the invasion of Iraq in 2003, a false claim that has been repeated by the network for years. I always liked Brian Williams. He was this generation’s ‘cool guy’ anchor. But now social … Read moreNBC’s Brian Williams recants Iraq story after soldiers protest

Breaking schmreaking..

Chuck Todd seems pretty hot under his political collar at CNN for labeling too much non news ‘breaking news’.. I’m with him on this one–CNN overdoes it. But so does FOX NEWS, perhaps even more. They overdo their loud DINGGGGGGGG echo noise each time they begin a new hour.. they say “HAPPENING NOW!” as though … Read moreBreaking schmreaking..

NBC news: Women are soon to be headed for perhaps thousands of combat roles amid a military-wide integration, but the most coveted jobs could remain male-only preserves due to concerns about possible sexual connections

Very important read.. NBC news: Women are soon to be headed for perhaps thousands of combat roles amid a military-wide integration, but the most coveted jobs could remain male-only preserves due to concerns about possible sexual connections

This is a big ouch. NBC has canceled Brian Williams’ ROCK CENTER. Sources at NBC News say Williams was angered that Burbank execs did not give the show the promised promotion, while plans to expand it to multiple weekly airings have been abandoned Well I guess so. And DATELINE survives?Rock Center is so much better.