The only thing that runs through my mind after a State of the Union, Republican response, and tea party no-eye contact tape. Goodnight all. It’s been real.
Call me opinionated by Obama making a joke about pat-downs in airports came off as tacky
Call me opinionated by Obama making a joke about pat-downs in airports came off as tacky
Sure he’s a TelePrompTer addict but at least Obama knows how to use it!!!
From where Boehner sits
We can’t win the future with a government of the past President Obama tonight. And I agree
Obama’s pat-down joke… ehh…
Jesse Ventura may sue
John Boehner is not a man of the ‘clap’
I think I respect that I don’t the think guy clapped much, for even things he agreed with. Maybe he will cry if he does
Obama wants me to be a teacher!?