The Yemen factor..

Dateline Yemen: Yemen’s president Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi has expressed readiness to accept demands for constitutional change and powersharing with Houthi rebels who took up positions outside his home after defeating his guards in two days of battle.  This could start getting very dicey very quickly.. Even more, it was announced today that Boehner bringing BIBI to … Read moreThe Yemen factor..

The state of the union.. the state of a presidency.. a President, once unpopular, now becomes a populist.. ….he rants against the wealth and proclaims his pain for the poor–he begs a Republican majority to pass Middle Class reforms they will never consider.

But standing ovations were common on the left, eye rolls on the right. But he was dead on accurate.. no Keystone Pipeline when a bigger project could prevail.. no little ideas. Big ideas–but why does he cut NASA? Why doesn’t he stand in the way of intrusive spying and corporate giveaways? Because.. I suppose, he’s … Read moreThe state of the union.. the state of a presidency.. a President, once unpopular, now becomes a populist.. ….he rants against the wealth and proclaims his pain for the poor–he begs a Republican majority to pass Middle Class reforms they will never consider.

Hacked SONY emails now reveal true feelings on race: Scott Rudin On Obama’s Favorite Movies: “I Bet He Likes Kevin Hart”

An exchange between Sony Pictures chair Amy Pascal and producer Scott Rudin turned into a riff on films they thought the president liked. A few things can certainly be taken from this.. Regardless of how many people in Hollywood voted for President Obama, there are still filled with racist and bigoted intent.. The emails may … Read moreHacked SONY emails now reveal true feelings on race: Scott Rudin On Obama’s Favorite Movies: “I Bet He Likes Kevin Hart”


After months of tension and anger, and the buildup of a racial divide in the United States, things got settled tonight on one hand. And really out of hand on the other.. Officer Michael Brown was not indicted for killing Michael Brown in the summer. Some say Brown’s hands were high in the air. Others … Read moreTHE BIG PICTURE: SPLIT SCREEN HELL IN FERGUSON, THANKSGIVING 2014

The Sunday morning sidewalk before Thanksgiving 2014

Preparations are being made.. Turkeys are getting set for their pardons. Others are plucked and ready for an oven baked  night of finger licking food. Thanksgiving is set for this week. No stopping it, the calender does not lie and time does not give any extra seconds to get things right.. But things this year … Read moreThe Sunday morning sidewalk before Thanksgiving 2014