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Pressing questions being asked in the midst of a government shutdown: Are White House chefs essential?
Pressing questions being asked in the midst of a government shutdown: Are White House chefs essential?
The good old days weren’t all that good but war’s still as bad as it seems
I was 23 years young and dumb, fighting for my rights to party somewhere in a smoky bar room–you could smoke back then.. And on the cover of TIME MAGAZINE: George W. Bush with a big headline “Do you want this war?” Americans were torn..And now in 2013, after a decade of war and then … Read moreThe good old days weren’t all that good but war’s still as bad as it seems
Why no one should be surprised that Jay Leno asked President Obama “real” questions
A follow up to what I just posted before about Jay Leno.. he asked some pretty tough questions last night, as pointed out by the WASHINGTON POST (not owned by the AmazonMan).. Isn’t it sad… comedians are forced to do the work that journalists once did? Jay Leno is doing what the POST and the … Read moreWhy no one should be surprised that Jay Leno asked President Obama “real” questions
LenoBama wrap
President Obama appeared on the TONIGHT SHOW with Jay Leno ..Some of the questions asked were hard hitting and not anything we have heard from ‘real’ journalists with cred asking Obama.. Amazing that a comedian is left to grill the commander in chief about the states of the union.. Props to Leno .. OK WHERE’S THE … Read moreLenoBama wrap
Russia won’t extradite Snowden to US
Pootie Poot goes against Barry. The thrilla that will never make it to Manila.. Pretty interesting world tension developing.. Russia won’t extradite Snowden to US
A ‘disposition matrix’ system is now generating Obama’s secret kill list
Because that’s just what we do now, I guess.. A ‘disposition matrix’ system is now generating Obama’s secret kill list
HERE GOES THE GUARDIAN: Revealed: the top secret rules that allow NSA to use US data without a warrant
Fisa court submissions show broad scope of procedures governing NSA’s surveillance of Americans’ communication Normally government dumps info on a Friday. In this case, the government is probably dreading Friday GUARDIAN runs. Each time the information being revealed about the United States spy program becomes more and more interesting.. HERE GOES THE GUARDIAN: Revealed: the … Read moreHERE GOES THE GUARDIAN: Revealed: the top secret rules that allow NSA to use US data without a warrant
“I want to look in your eyes, Vlad, Georgie liked you. Didn’t he call you Pootie Poot?” “Oh did I tell you what I have been doing lately? My government can track EVERY phone call ever, and we even tracked Dimitri’s activity a few years ago!” “Oh like YOU never did it, Mr. KGB!” “Hey … Read more