Whoever wedged Chris Christie into that seat needs to own up to it now.
The lighter side.. though there isn’t much light about Governor Chris Christie, this picture made me laugh. I can picture a caption of Obama asking Christie, “Now Chris, I had a tuna sandwich on Air Force One, and it’s gone.. did you take my tuna sandwich?” I’d love to hear your captions?
You know how you can tell that Candy Crowley is a good moderator of tomorrow’s debate?
This: Both campaigns aren’t happy with her and want her to play a limited role, even not wanting her to follow up with questions if she asks things that the spin doctors and talking points don’t cover during the debate. Good luck Candy. We will be watching.
Obama (yes the President) thinks Minaj and Carrey can work out their fued
Frankly I think for him to comment on this ridiculous ‘feud’ is unpresidential.. In related news Romney thinks the Beavet should admit he and Wally decided to not eat his peas. Obama (yes the President) thinks Minaj and Carrey can work out their fued
Absolutely hysterical video. The YouTube account BadLipReading uploaded a great parody of the Obama Romney debate. The funniest to me was Jim Lehrer. (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
More great SNL with this (Source: http://www.hulu.com/)
Not bad SNL (Source: http://www.hulu.com/)
All smiles.. At first.
DEBATE NIGHT! Who’s watching, who’s playing drinking games, and who do you think will win?
The stage is set. Reporters’ cameras cleaned.. All eyes on deck. Did Mitt Romney pick a good VP in Paul Ryan?