Really not sure if this is the type of logic that will gather more votes for Obama, but hey, he said it: He wants to repeat the auto bailout for … every.. industry… Huh?

The POLITICO reported today, and Drudge put up a siren about it too, that President Obama campaigned today in Colorado and seemed to suggest that he wants to bail out, well, everyone. Everywhere. Everything! The POLITICO dispatches this: “I said, I believe in American workers, I believe in this this American industry, and now the … Read moreReally not sure if this is the type of logic that will gather more votes for Obama, but hey, he said it: He wants to repeat the auto bailout for … every.. industry… Huh?

The weather outside is NOT frightful

And to some, that may be anything but delightful. Including President Barack Obama, who according to the WEEKLY STANDARD, spoke to a gathering of persons who spent over $30,000 a plate to see him talk. Along with the throngs of wealthy were the gaggle of reporters, reporters who were present to hear the President prognosticate about the current … Read moreThe weather outside is NOT frightful

President Obama offers a tip on how to appear out of touch: Say it is ‘interesting’ that someone cannot find a job since.. well, everyone is hiring!

…they are hiring, right? I mean.. he says they are.. So an engineer shouldn’t have trouble landing the next gig, right? President Obama offers a tip on how to appear out of touch: Say it is ‘interesting’ that someone cannot find a job since.. well, everyone is hiring!