Seriously.. this is happening again!? People trying to apply for Monday’s midnight OBAMACARE deadline are being greeted again with the website ‘currently unavailable’ messages..  this is beginning to feel like a big joke–maybe it’s just an April fools prank and the website will announce on the 1st of April, “April Fools, you got until midnight tonight … Read more

TIME magazine hits this week with a ‘broken promise’ Obamacare cover. At least on American newsstands. It shows that, in the medical industry when someone tells you it won’t hurt a bit, it’s going to hurt like hell. On an completely unrelated note: I thought the juxtoposition of headers on the top of the cover … Read more

Sex sells. Even health care. You can sell health care two ways, perhaps. On one hand, you can show young professionals without insurance, struggling to get by, working long hours, trying to make ends meet for their families, and battling to stay healthy–Obamacare comes along and now can aid them in their struggles. Or, on … Read more

The Obama administration was given stark warnings just one month before launch that the federal health care website was not ready to go live, according to a confidential report obtained by CNN. A news alert from CNN just in.. The plot thickens. And … still works worse than Tumblr.