Weird ritual at Berks County PA Memorial Gardens?

This is what 69 NEWS reports: Decapitated chickens, pennies, pieces of coconut and heart candies were found on the grounds of the Berks County Memorial Gardens in Maidencreek Township this week. People are left wondering now if the scene was that of animal cruelty or some religious sacrifice.. I know this from my paranormal investigations … Read moreWeird ritual at Berks County PA Memorial Gardens?

Nuclear Event in USA on Friday, 21 March, 2014, Berwick PA

This from RSOE EDIS: The PPL Corp. nuclear reactor under federal scrutiny has been shut down after the discovery of a leaky water valve. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission said workers found the leak during a startup of Unit 2 at PPL’s Susquehanna nuclear facility near Berwick. The reactor had been shut off for maintenance … Read moreNuclear Event in USA on Friday, 21 March, 2014, Berwick PA

Good and evil, and county commissioners

Is the mainstream news getting exorcism crazed–or have demons started to run amuck!? First the Latoya Ammons story was picked up by world media.. and now this: An ex-county commissioner in Brentwood Pennsylvania, near Pittsburgh, is now speaking out about demons possessing his home!  KDKA reports that Bob Cranmer says he waged a two year … Read moreGood and evil, and county commissioners

These are three telling headlines in today’s POTTSVILLE REPUBLICAN AND HERALD.. A factory closing, a school having issues, and yet another store in the Frackville Schuylkill Mall shutting doors..  There was an old adage about the coal region of Pennsylvania: There’s a church and bar on every street corner. These days the churches have shuddered … Read more

PATRIOT NEWS: ‘It’s like we’re being held hostage in our own city,’ grandpa of latest Harrisburg homicide victim says

“We’ve got a war going on here in Harrisburg,” said Theodore Rooks, grandfather of 18-year-old Hauson Keeron Baltimore-Greene Jr. This is a tremendously sad story from the capitol of Pennsylvania.. So much undeeded violence in Harrisburg. There’s a new mayor in town, too. With a big job. Eric Papenfuse is being faced with crimes of … Read morePATRIOT NEWS: ‘It’s like we’re being held hostage in our own city,’ grandpa of latest Harrisburg homicide victim says