A ‘main road’ after the snowstorm. This is why I LOVE you Schuylkill County PA!
This is the strawberry that was supposed to be dropped in Harrisburg PA on New Years… Things went very wrong and the strawberry fell and shattered when it dropped.. Now the question: Can they build a new one in time to save New Years?
A tremendously bad wreck shut parts of the PA turnpike down this morning.. It appears to have been snow related.. The storm seemingly came out of nowhere, as I showed this morning with a post of some very snowy roads..
‘twas the day AFTER Christmas and roads looked like this.. Apparently PENNDOT is still sobering up from spiked egg nog..
Graves in Philly
I loved the movie THE SIXTH SENSE. There was one scene in particular that has stayed with me since I first saw it.. there was a moment in which the character played by Haley Joel Osment was frightened when he saw ghosts hanging in a Philadelphia school .. Something occurred today that may be the … Read moreGraves in Philly
Pennsylvania: Expert Warns of Underage Drinkers Consuming Cooking Wine
I am from Pennsylvania.I use cooking wine.But I buy it only in the state store (we are one of the last two states with state run liquor here in the Keystone State.) I would never imagine using cooking wine for a cheep drunk. But then again, kids are also using CROCYDIL. So they aren’t alright. … Read morePennsylvania: Expert Warns of Underage Drinkers Consuming Cooking Wine
Elderly Woman Killed, Authorities Searching for the Killer
This Nanticoke PA crime is a bit shocking, given the circumstances.. The elderly woman was 97 years old and was beaten to death. The timing was equally offensive: It happened on Thanksgiving night. Trouble has come to your little town, sheriff.. Elderly Woman Killed, Authorities Searching for the Killer
This is the former Ashland hospital, it is in Pennsylvania and it is filled with history of coal miners, baby births, life and death. It has been closed for over a year due to a series of financially catastrophic events and it has gone bankrupt. Now today there is a public auction of everything in … Read more
Don’t get bruised. Don’t get battered. Chances are, you were already. When I was driving home with my wife and child from our Thanksgiving family affair, we passed by a Walmart. The place was mobbed with people and cars–so many that people started parking in a dirt and muddy lot that separates the store from … Read more
A Saturday in autumn under a cold November sky.. Hard to believe this is thanksgiving week already. Get some spirits ready and hope for a safe drive no matter where your weekend travels take you. Good evening everyone.