During what became quite a significant snowstorm today, I discovered something about Mutley the Dog: He refuses to walk on any part of the ground that remains untreated. ANSI shoveled, he moved down a row. If I stopped, he’d stay. Crowd control for animals: Stop shoveling?

During what became quite a significant snowstorm today, I discovered something about Mutley the Dog: He refuses to walk on any part of the ground that remains untreated. ANSI shoveled, he moved down a row. If I stopped, he’d stay. Crowd control for animals: Stop shoveling?

Euros from heaven?

A family member of mine, name and official title nameless at this point, told me a strange story of a bizarre nature. She swears by it, and I can relay it only with this caveat: She comes with a strong mind, a strong will, and an amazing ability to sense things that others may not. … Read moreEuros from heaven?

The cold November air

There is a certain darkness that descends over the heart of man this time of year–the darkness penetrates deep for some reason.. Summer time dark is different. During those months, it feels like a vale of humid stagnation is awakened by a bright moonlight.. crickets are buzzing and the night crawlers are doing their amazing … Read moreThe cold November air

FEVERS OF THE WITCH: Parenting in frightful times

I think I swear.. my son gets sick on holidays.. He’s 3 and a half, going on 30, but I remember each and every Halloween — and beginning of the Christmas season— he has been ill. Little Ayden Morris is setting a pattern.. to fall under the weather not only when the weather changes, but … Read moreFEVERS OF THE WITCH: Parenting in frightful times

A child’s first time slip

You may have heard of a strange little story involving the Berenstain Bears.. Turns out that lots of people, people who are perfectly sane, think that they Berenstain Bears was spelled different when they were kids. Instead of “stain,” it was “stein” the premise goes.. There are websites dedicated to finding the truth of the weird … Read moreA child’s first time slip