Goodnight all.. if you can sleep. (Source:
pink floyd
Comfortably Numb – Pink Floyd (cover)
Pink Floyd – Wish you were here (Source:
Goodnight world.. Pink Floyd – Speak to me, from the Dark Side of the Moon..somewhere in time.
Have a cigar. No matter who sings it, the Foo Fighters or Pink Floyd.
The Gunner’s Dream .. still alive in a world of war. Goodnight. (Source:
…rest. Relax. Or try. Goodnight. (Source:
Ohhh.. how you waited. Ohh how you craved it. It’s that fantastic day yet again, when taxes are due and you are too.. Be safe. Good luck with the fast form.. good luck with the exemptions.. good luck with the tax code. And most of all, good luck with the post office.. (Source:
Learning to fly? I’m just waiting for a baby to crawl.. Goodnight all. (Source:
Anybody in there? Click if you can see me.. Anybody ‘home’[key]?