Watch Those K-Cups You’ve Been Trashing Turn Into a Monstrous Problem

Yes.. this was bound to happen.. Sure, the single-serve coffee containers are convenient, but as this parody shows, the tiny pods that work in Keurig machines have become a Godzilla-like creature. I always think of those monstrous mounds of plastic in the oceans across the planet. And among those: A disastrous amount of stupid little … Read moreWatch Those K-Cups You’ve Been Trashing Turn Into a Monstrous Problem

BPA alternative disrupts normal brain-cell growth, is tied to hyperactivity, study says

The chemical, BPS, is found in many products that bear the “BPA-free” label. Great.. just great.. As hard as it is will be, the main goal in life suddenly seems to be: Just stay away from all plastic. Good luck with that.. BPA alternative disrupts normal brain-cell growth, is tied to hyperactivity, study says

…hmm…did the United States find a new place to dump its used water bottles? Cassini probe now sees a plastic ingredient on Titan .. It reminds me of how much we don’t know about anything.. such as the planet made of glass.. and now a moon consisting of plastic.. Plastic Man will be renamed to Titan Man..