THE NEW RED PLANET!? Every new photo and fact about Pluto makes things more exciting.. more intense.. more mysterious.. Now this from NASA .. the water ice red. The skies blue..
Pale blue dot number 2?
Pale blue dot number 2? Shocking news from the outer limits of space.. As though we couldn’t be more shocked by Pluto, we are. The news this time: The distant non planet planet dwarf planet has skies and icecaps that are similar to earth itself.. NASA’s own website showcased the amazing photos beamed back to planet … Read morePale blue dot number 2?
NASA’s New Horizons probe captured these images of the Pluto moons Nix (left) and Hydra (right) on July 14, 2015. The Nix photo was taken from a distance of 102,000 miles (165,000 kilometers), while the Hydra image was snapped from 143,000 miles. A jelly bean and a gray mitten a long long way away..