This is Beijing, one picture BEFORE a parade and after.. People were so excited to finally see a blue sky in the city, they whipped out cameras to capture the moment.. ( CNN article linked doesn’t mention much about this, but I wonder if it was also utilized by China: Manipulating weather.  Back in 2008 … Read more

Watch Those K-Cups You’ve Been Trashing Turn Into a Monstrous Problem

Yes.. this was bound to happen.. Sure, the single-serve coffee containers are convenient, but as this parody shows, the tiny pods that work in Keurig machines have become a Godzilla-like creature. I always think of those monstrous mounds of plastic in the oceans across the planet. And among those: A disastrous amount of stupid little … Read moreWatch Those K-Cups You’ve Been Trashing Turn Into a Monstrous Problem